The window has three sorted and filtered views or tabs, [By Company ID], [By Company Name] and [By Group Name].
The Blue Folders represent Company Master Telco record. The Green Folders represents Lines, Features or Service.
You may narrow the view or selection of projects by using the [From ID] character field and the [To] character field.
Use the [Expand All] and/or [Contract All] buttons to expand or collapse the tree.
Use the highlight bar to select the appropriate Master Telco record (with the blue folder icon) for printing. Click on the [+ ] icon to make sure the desire record is selected for printing. Also, you can verify which record will be printed by the Project # just above the [Print Record] button.
User Tip: Only the records with the 'Blue Folder' icons may be printed. To print a project position the 'highlight bar' on [+ or -] icon to 'open' the record. Select the [Change] button to make any changes to the Telco information.